Together with your hero you go on a dangerous adventure and you face danger czającemu everywhere. The magical world filled with amazing creatures and powerful monsters waiting hole, every step of waiting for danger and intricate intrigues, which have to be on guard. The game offers you a choice between a brave hero Knight Lights, Necromancer and Demon, and impersonating one of these characters embark on meeting the enemy. Your goal is to unravel the conspiracy of the world of Ashan and halting the spread of evil. Along the way you will meet many times the opportunity to submit sample of his warlike skills.
Each expedition and fought encounter is an opportunity to gather valuable experience points and better equipment your intentarza. Collect gold, canne powerful magical artifacts and weapons, so that the name of your character will become a terror among the hosts of the opponent. Enormous world of the game Might & Magic Heroes Online tempted numerous locations, from dense forests, the clouds hung over the mountain peaks. Along with other heroes discover corners of the magical world of Ashan in real time.
In the game Might & Magic Heroes Online will meet on your way up the magical creatures that will be your companions in the fight and will support you with their special skills. So you need to assemble a powerful army that will target not only combat, but which will also be thrashed spells. Impressive graphics in the game Might & Magic Heroes Online is based on a series of boxed games.
The game clearly separate the strategic from the tactical layer. The first fought in real time, taking place primarily on the world map and in the cities, which controls the player is on the exploration of the world, recruiting troops and acquire raw materials needed to expand faction. Tactical layer focuses on turning series of clashes in locations covered with hexagonal mesh followed in turn-based mode, the player and his opponent move their own units. Might & Magic Heroes Online in almost every aspect is geared towards micro payments.
Your job is to sound management of a small settlement, taking care to continually grew and multiplied its power.
Initially, you need to lay down the foundation for the growth of the settlement. Make sure to do this on an uninterrupted supply of raw materials. This will allow you to expand a settlement step by step - building by building.
Trade is another important element of the game that can not be overlooked. Achieved surpluses will be able to trade, which will provide you enough gold in the vault for future investment.
At the same time the trade is a great opportunity to stock up funds or materials which you are lacking. Following prudence and foresight, will be you quickly turn a small village in the city vibrant and shiny power.
With time you will need to think about setting the army. Your settlement is greedy morsel, not only for virtual robbers. You should not forget that you're not the only one who wants to rule the vast landed estates on servers this free game.
Other players also aspire to power, ignoring the other fellow players, and each sfortyfikowana no settlement is right for them welcome the possibility to spread their own power. Well-trained army will allow you to repel any attack customers. The game Tribal Wars 2 would not be a true strategic title like that you do not make available comprehensive military capabilities proceedings.
You will be ableto traindifferenttypes of units, each of which will be ableto fulfilla crucialrole inyourbattlestrategy. Fromordinarypikemenand infantryto thearchers whosupplieseachof your opponentsbeforerainshotonlydaresget closeto the wallsof your city. Withfurther progressyou willalso be able totrainheavycavalry.
Being inpossession of thecavalry, youalreadyhada powerfularmy thatwill allowyouto extendpowerbeyond the wallsof their city. Step bystep,conqueringneighboringsettlements, coming closer and closertothe other players, whichwill soonprovewho deservesenthronement. But rememberone thing,artis not justa raiseas manysettlements, butalsoonensuringtheir welfareand development.
New to theTribalWars 2are specialareason the map, which controlthe rateincreaseswe produceraw materials.An attempt totake control ofthese areas isextremelyimportant,becausewithout a strongeconomy ofyourkingdomdoes not havemuch chanceof survival.Ifyouwill not succeed, and your efforts toenlargeits influencedo not producevisible effects, then you might considerthe formation ofan alliance withanotherplaying.
TheTribalWars 2playyetthousands of otherpeopleandtake advantage ofthe diplomaticpossibilities offered bythis titleto jointlycopewith newchallenges andenemiesthat are notpokonalibyściealone.
TheTribalWars 2will throwyouin the eyeis alsomuch nicergraphicsthanthepredecessor. Ina fantastic wayshecaptures themedievalatmosphere ofthis productionand is one ofitsgreatest strengths. Ourcastlelooksnowlike a realfortress, and even user interfacealsolooksa lot better.Communingwith him isnowa real pleasure, not only because of theprettiergraphics,but primarilydue to the manyfacilitiesin the management ofourkingdom.
When designingTribal Wars2studioInnoGameshas not forgottenabouteverything thatmade thefirstpart of this gamefor over a decadecontinuing popularity asplayers.Improved graphics, dopieszczonouser interface,added some new featuresfun, butat the same timealsoretainsall thegameplay elementsthatappealed tofansTribes.
Thanks toTribalWars 2is oneof the most comprehensive, browser-basedstrategy forthe market thatcan easilyprovide youplenty ofexcellententertainment.
GoodgameEmpireis a free onlinestrategyset inmedievalclimates.It is oneof the newestgames of thistype andyou will see ita fewmomentsafter logging onto the server.This titleboastsa wonderful, colorful graphicsworthymodernbrowser gamesandoffers a variety ofgameplay optionsthatwill testyourstrategicability.InGoodgameEmpireplayalreadymillions of people aroundthe world, andnotwithoutreason, it isnow one ofthe most interesting andmost popular games.
InGoodgameEmpirewill beginplayingfromhavingtooimpressivewooden fort. Toturn it intoa powerful, well fortifiedcastlehad to createa well-functioningeconomy.In the vicinityof yourheadquarters aredeposits ofstone andwoodswhereyour subjectswill findmaterials needed forbuilding yourfortress. With thesematerialsyou buildall sorts ofoutbuildingsthat will allowyou to maintain, train and managea growingarmy thatserves not onlyto defendyourlands, butalsoto attack theheadquartersof other playersandcomputer controlledopponents.
In total,the construction ofover 60different buildings, and in addition each of themcan be improvedby severallevels of development, so certainlywill not get boredturningtheir modesttowninto a thrivingmedievalmetropolis.
However,careand management ofthe armyis not the onlyduties.In yourcastle andits surroundingsthey liveorciviliansconstitutesa very importantpart of anykingdom.Thisonecollects taxes, they providethe building materials andtheyare workinginfarm buildings.It is therefore necessaryto take care oftheirwell-beingby fulfilling theirdesires, building more andmore comfortablehomes, and ensuring publicorder inthehelpsuchbuildingsasthe pilloryora signpost.
The gamealsoplaced great emphasisonthe war. Your armycan consist ofover fiftydifferentunits(cavalry, siege engines, infantry, etc.) Assistedcommanders, whichcan be equipped withitemssuchas weapons,armorandpowerful artifactsincreasing their effectivenessina givencommand ofthe army.Attacks onotherfortressesare fullof tacticalchallenges: locksis impossible toattackfrom various anglesandusing different typesof troops. When planning theattack on theenemysoyou need tosteer clear ofenemy fortificationsandtrapssuch astarandstones.
In addition, your military operationscould be improvedby employingspies whocan getvaluable informationabout castlesof otherrulersandcomputeropponents.Spiescan also be usedto collect information aboutthe economicstrength ofthe enemy, so that you will knowhow muchmaterialis inthestrongholdsandwhether it is worthitto attack. However, be carefulwithspyingother players, becausethe agentcaughtrevealthe personthatoperateonitsterritory, and this may be an excuseto declare war.
InGoodgameEmpireis playingalready70 millionpeople worldwide, it is no wonderthatin the gameyou can always findother rulersinterested ina commongame.And it is worthto look forallies, becausein this gamecollaborationwith other playersbringdifferent benefits. Those who arein the samealliancecan tradewith each otherraw materials, communicateon a specialchatroomdedicatedonlyto membersof thepactandplan together forwarfareandmutuallydefend theirterritory.Of courseGoodgameEmpireYou canplayalone,butfunlone wolfmay end upfor yourkingdomin adeplorablemannerwhen, for example. You will encounteron your waypowerfulalliancelooking fornewvictims.
The gamealso encouragesregulartendingtheir territory. The creators ofGoodgameEmpireconstantlyaddingto itnew contentand organizeall kinds ofevents, which make the gameeven moreexciting.
In short: GoodgameEmpireis a complexandaddictive game thatcan boastverynice graphics, coolideas forgameplayand friendlycommunity ofplayers.So ifyou want to knowthe phenomenonof browserstrategy, this is theperfecttitlefor thisgiveandwill provide you withplenty ofexcellententertainment!
In Elvenar you can take the lead of a race of elves or humans. Elves are steeped in magic and live in harmony with nature. Interestingly, this translates into gameplay and such. Some of their buildings can be alive, like the stone golems extracting or producing boards Trenty. The other side of the barricade stand People. This young, ambitious race is growing at a rapid pace and always reaches the pond in front of goals. Their buildings resemble medieval constructions, and she focuses primarily on the development of engineering and technology.
As you can see, the choice faction is quite important, because it affects not only the appearance of our city, but also its functioning. In addition, each faction has access to unique military units and example. People use the services paladins fighting dogs - Cerberusów or hefty axemen and deadly crossbowmen. Players playing with elves can recruit and golems, fairies or slow, yet powerful trenty.
InElvenarour maintask is to developyour city. To do thisby constructingbuildings, production of raw materials, inventingnew technologiesand ensuringthe well-beingof its residents.As a result,they will beeagerto workand pay taxes, which will enable you toconstructmore buildingsand improvingtheir town.
In the gameyou haveto choosea total ofseveral dozenbuildingsof cultural, militaryandeconomy, and they all connectednetwork of roadsthatyou havepersonallyputand which are usedto transport peopleand goods.The creatorsElvenaralso carethat eachbuildinghad its ownanimation anda lotof details,sowatchhow ourvillageturns into aprosperouscitymakesa lotof fun.
In Elvenar you can play alone, but the game swells when you join other people playing the game. Joining one of the many alliances Fairness and face other players will take part in the diplomatic machinations fighting for the largest possible sphere of influence, as well as helping each other, eg. Via trade in raw materials.
Elvenaralso offers acooldesignexplorationsystemavailablein the gameworld.By sendingscoutswillexplore newareas, collect relicsandrareencounteron your waycastlesbelonging to thecomputerand humanplayers.You canwelcome themwith open arms, or apply a moreaggressive approachandexample. Denouncethewar.
Battles in Elvenar take place in rounds and take place on separate maps divided into hexes. Same skirmish combat system reminiscent of the cult series Heroes of Might and Magic. Each unit has its own range of movement and their statistics, and then we steer them on the battlefield by selecting their next targets. Game developers also took care of it to the battlefield were varied and were on their various obstacles that affect the tactics of fighting. In short: In this game capable strategist will be able to overcome even theoretically superior army, if only to skillfully use the abilities of their units.
Elvenar is a complex and captivating production with some interesting ideas and a fantastic battle system that will appeal to all fans of strategy. So you do not wait any longer may bring to the world Elvenar and try to create the greatest city on the server!